Taran’s little game April 5, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — houseofyoung @ 2:57 am

Yesterday Mom ran errands while father and son spent some quality time at home. At least that was the expectation. In reality as soon as mom closed the garage door, Taran went into his act.

He began to uncharacteristically scream at ever increasing decibel levels. First daddy fed him, which satisfied him for about 2 seconds, then daddy burped him, he spit up and burped and was quiet for 2 more seconds. Next, daddy changed his diaper, which satisfied him until he got his onesie back on, then came the pacifier, which pleased him until he spit it out, then daddy tried rocking him, which didn’t work at first and then he heard the garage door open and mom’s return and all of a sudden he was again at peace.


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